@cocomo wrote:
Please: I am unable to gather data from a newly created website, whatever i try the new websites dashboard displays
No data has been recorded yet
By now i have stripped down the HTML for the new website to a bare minimum (see code below), disabled my .htaccess configuration, validated SSL certificates and config (ssllabs overall rating A) but still: no data.
Apart from the new website i am successfully tracking data for 9 other services on other subdomains.
Whats so special about my site?
* Website content is served by php 5.6.2 therefore i changed some of the given tracking codes quotes. Edit: does also not work for plain html output of the given tracking code.
* New (and the other 9 working other subdomain) websites communicate over SSL
* Top level domain is .berlin
* I had an .htaccess configured with apaches mod_rewrite, which i renamed to _.htaccess for testing.Web inspectors console reports no errors executing the following code, i see a successful request to piwik.js and display its source code. The js-request to piwik.php reports an error in web inspector: 204 No Response. When i load it manually as done in the no script section of the html web inspector reports: 200 OK.
<img src="//analytics.domainname.berlin/piwik.php?idsite=21" style="border:0;" alt="" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var _paq = _paq || [];
_paq.push(["trackAllContentImpressions", true, 750]);
(function() {
var u="//analytics.apparat.berlin/";
_paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u+"piwik.php"]);
_paq.push(["setSiteId", 21]);
var d=document,g=d.createElement("script"),
<img src="//analytics.domainname.berlin/piwik.php?idsite=21" style="border:0;" alt="" />
</html>Sadly i cannot see webserver logs for any of these website. Are there other things i can do?
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