@ajinkya_takle wrote:
Hi Team,
We are facing issue using piwik with load balancer & two apache server. Installation is completed. Both piwik instance are using shared Mysql DB. If I turn off one of my web-server, I am able to login & use piwik as expected. No issues.
When both app servers are running, upon login i face issue with message: Error: You can't access this resource as it requires an 'view' access for the website id = 1.
Strange thing: On trying it multiple times to login, sometime login is successfully. But again, on dashboard, some widget shows: You can't access this resource as it requires an 'view' access for the website id = 1.
Below is my config settings on both the server:
assume_secure_protocol = 1
proxy_client_headers[] = "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"
salt = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
trusted_hosts[] = "xxxx.xxxxx.com"
session_save_handler = dbtableI have tried following things:
1) I am using super user to login.
2) Have configured session_save_handler = dbtable in config
3)Also configured multi_server_environment = 1Please guide to configure piwik on load balancer & multiple server environment. Any pointer will be of great help. Apologize if I am seeking help for common issue. Need to make it work at the earliest on production environment. Thanks.
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