@Roman.K wrote:
Hello everybody!
We are using Piwik 3.0.4 on Ubuntu Server 16.04 for our intranet site.
First, I want to thank you for the possibility to use this nice tool! =)I have just installed it and everything seems fine, except one weird issue with Visitor Map. The problem is that it shows me wrong region.
In details, I installed and configured IntranetGeoIP plugin to analyze our intranet.
Here is a piece of config/IntranetGeoIP.data.php file for our intarnet:[ 'visitorInfo' => [ //ISO-3166 alpha-2 code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 'location_country' => 'ua', //the region code (i take them from piwik/libs/MaxMindGeoIp/geoipregionvars.php 'location_region' => '12', //should be freetext 'location_city' => 'Kyiv', //get this from a picker, e.g. http://www.tytai.com/gmap/ 'location_latitude' => '50.445358', 'location_longitude' => '30.519057', //enter your company name or do it based on your domain hierarchy // Provider requires the "Provider" Plugin to be active. (Disabled by default in Version 2.15 and above) 'location_provider' => 'MyCompany' ], 'networks' => [ //enter here all subnetworks for this location //use a subnetwork calculator, e.g. http://jodies.de/ipcalc '' ] ]
Data is being collected correctly which I can see on Visitors -> Real-time Map.
However, when I go to Visitors -> Locations and zoom to Regions level on Visitor Map I see that incorrect region is highlighted on it.
As you can see in the picture all visits are from Kyiv (Kyyiv, Kiev - that is because I tried different city names in ‘location_city’) but Map shows all visits from Luhans’k region:Also I tried to change the ‘location_region’ => ‘11’ and Map showed me correct region (Kyiv), but in every other place Piwik says that visitors are from Krimea region! =)
So, I think that there is some misconfiguration in Visitor Map. Maybe there is some inconsistency between codes used to show Visitor Map and those in libs/MaxMindGeoIp/geoipregionvars.php file which is used to configure IntranetGeoIP plugin.Unfortunately I am not yet skilled in PHP debugging, so I would appreciate any help how to troubleshoot this issue.
Thank you!
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