@eramirez wrote:
When I modify a single file (a JS, for example), Piwik does not merge all JS files just because I modified one of them. I know I can enable development mode, but my Piwik is in production, so, it is not possible. Is there a console way to achieve this task? I found these links, but non of them helped me with my problem:
JavaScript and CSS: https://developer.piwik.org/guides/working-with-piwiks-ui
Making Piwik UI faster: https://piwik.org/blog/2010/07/making-piwik-ui-faster/
Piwik reporting UI doesn’t have…: https://piwik.org/faq/troubleshooting/faq_135/I’m looking to trigger the listener for an event like this: “Piwik does not merge and minify JavaScript and CSS files on every request as it takes a long time to do this. They are only merged on certain events, such as when enabling a new plugin.”
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