@ericl wrote:
I added the standard tracker code below to track content interaction. I noticed the URL of the anchor element is updated to href=“https://myPiwikHost/piwik/piwik.php?redirecturl=…”. As a result, if our on-premise Piwik is offline, the links won’t work on our pages.
The behavior is not consistent. On IE and Firefox I don’t see the anchor element being updated. I have another application with the same tracking code. The anchor element there is not updated.
Is there anything I did wrong?
Ericvar _paq = _paq || []; _paq.push(['setCustomUrl', location.href.toLowerCase()]); _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); _paq.push(['trackAllContentImpressions']); _paq.push(['setUserId', 'myId']); (function () { _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', "https://myPiwikHost/piwik/" + "piwik.php"]); _paq.push(['setSiteId', 74]); var d = document, g = d.createElement('script'), s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type = 'text/javascript'; g.async = true; g.defer = true; g.src = "https://myPiwikHost/piwik/" + 'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s); })();
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