@dali wrote:
I'm doing some kind of annual report. Quite a PITA at the moment because Dashboards like Visits Overview are not threaded (one MySQL CPU does everything even if we got 4).
Should I make these 3 features requests (from simple to complex)?
1- Add new "Text-only Visit Overview Dashboard".
2- Add new "Monthly dashboard"
For each last 12 months :
- Content of Visitors Overview (text-only)
- 25 most visited pages
- 25 most downloaded files
- 25 Referrers
- 10 Social networks with percent.
- 25 Site search terms
- Percentage of PC, Tablets, Phone
- 10 most used OS with percent.
- 10 most used Browsers with percent.
- 10 most popular resolution with percent.3- Make use of all CPU on MySQL instead of one.
At first, the requirement was for #2 (Annual reports) and frankly, try to do this with a 70 GB MySQL and it's tedious. Even worse when you have to do it 3 times (3 segments * selecting each month). Why 3 segments? Because we need "internal traffic only", "External traffic only" and "all".
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