@paulqweareframework wrote:
I am not sure where to post this. I could not find anything in the forums so hopefully this is appropriate.
I am mainly having issue with the forms tracking radio buttons. In matomo cloud login it registers all the forms.
It clocks on when folk submit, if they are re-submitting. Everything works except the radio buttons, its like they sometimes do get registered but it never updates that they have been clicked or updated or if a radio button was the field that the user last got to and left then it doesn’t register as the dropped off form field.I have tried to implement like so:
<input data-piwik-name="title_0_0_0" type="radio" name="jcrvffer_title" data-vv-as=" " class="Largeradio hidden--" value="Mr" data-vv-id="1" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> <input data-piwik-name="title_0_0_1" type="radio" name="jcrvffer_title" data-vv-as=" " class="Largeradio hidden--" value="Mrs" data-vv-id="2" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false">
and also tried as:
<input data-piwik-name="title_0_0" type="radio" name="jcrvffer_title" data-vv-as=" " class="Largeradio hidden--" value="Mr" data-vv-id="1" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> <input data-piwik-name="title_0_0" type="radio" name="jcrvffer_title" data-vv-as=" " class="Largeradio hidden--" value="Mrs" data-vv-id="2" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false">
am I doing this correctly?
any help is greatly appreciated
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