@100son_net wrote:
I’m running several WordPress sites using InfiniteWP and Matomo.
On one of my sites, there is a conflict between infiniteWP and Matomo.
Here is the error message:
Notice: Constant MAX_SERIALIZED_INPUT_LENGTH already defined in /home/folder_ovh/piwik/libs/upgradephp/upgrade.php on line 322
and the entries in InfiniteWP:
./plugins/iwp-client/init.php:define('MAX_SERIALIZED_INPUT_LENGTH', 8192); ./plugins/iwp-client/init.php: if(strlen($str) > MAX_SERIALIZED_INPUT_LENGTH) ./plugins/iwp-client/init.php: // input exceeds MAX_SERIALIZED_INPUT_LENGTH
Have you an idea of what can cause the first message on this site and how to avoid it?
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