@Kiusau wrote:
Recently I have sought to access Matomo widget using wget. Although some progress has been made, Matomo is rejecting me with the following error message:
The requested website idSite is not found in the request, or is invalid. Please check that you are logged in Matomo and have permission to access the specified website.
The wget string that I am using is the following:
wget --http-user=[...] --http-password=[...] -P /tmp/ -p -k https://[..]/matomo/index.php ?module=Widgetize &action=iframe &containerId=GoalsOverview &widget=1 &moduleToWidgetize=CoreHome &actionToWidgetize=renderWidgetContainer &idSite=1 &period=day &date=yesterday &disableLink=1 &widget=1 &token_auth=[..] Now, I am sure that the following are correct: --http-user --http-password &idSite=1 &token_auth=[..] QUESTION: What is missing, or improperly coded? Roddy
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