@kordo wrote:
Hi all,
we generate a scheduled weekly mail report with a attached PDF of the statistics of one week that will be send to different
mail addresses. Since the update from version 2.14.3 to 2.15.0 in some mailclients this mail is "empty". For example: The mail is "empty" in Windows 7 /Thunderbird 38.5.1. In our webmail client (All Browser, also on Macintosh) its empty, too OR there is coming the message
"###################################-This is a message in Mime Format. If you see this, your mail reader
does not support this format.--_dfb4eb2627b3bxxx
Content-Type: text/plain; charsetutf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inlineHello,
Please find in attached file your weekly report for "website".
Sent from https://correct.url/.
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename"Report WEBSITE - week December
21 – 27, 2015.pdf"
UiAvTWVkaWFCb3ggWzAuMDAwMDAwIDAuMDAwMDAwIDU5NS4yNzYwMDAgODQxLjg5MDAwMF0g...Perhabs it has something to do with the change in version 2.15.0 (taken from the Changelog)
-- "Format numbers displayed in Piwik reports (eg. 1,000,000 instead of 1000000)"
-- "Email reports: print the full URL source / origin of report in the email body "I don't know, but I think the "error" (wrong format) comes from the new "subject line" format.
Since version 2.15.0 the mail contains the subject like
"Report WEBSITE - week December 28, 2015 – January 3, 2016".Before version 2.15.0 it was like:
"Report WEBSITE - Week 30 March - 5 April 2015"the "minus" sign "-" is in the new subject the "long minus" (dash) "–", perhabs this in not "utf8" compatibel or something like this. (I don't even now, how to type this on the (german) keyboard...).
Perhabs the problem is in the given name of the PDF, too? There is a "–" in the name "...December
21 – 27, 2015.pdf". Perhabs this "curious characters" is the problem? I think, this is the troublemaking "dash", too...In a scheduled daily report, everything is correct, because here is this "dash" not used in the "subject",
for example "Bericht WEBSITE - Montag, 14. Dezember 2015".And just now I'm noticing: Before 2.15.0 there was a german subject line, now it's only the English one, although we configure the mail report in the German admin web interface.
Perhabs this was also not considered really in this version update? Don't know...Thanks for any info about this.
Best greetz,
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