@pestevao wrote:
Hello all.
We recently become to a "dead end" as our log_link_visit_action idlink_va int field has reached its maximum capacity of 4294967295, as available in MySQL field types maximum lenght: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/integer-types.html
The error as shown in console:
Error in Piwik (tracker): Error query: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '4294967295' for key 'PRIMARY' In query: INSERT INTO log_link_visit_action (idvisit, idsite, idvisitor, idaction_url, idaction_url_ref, idaction_name_ref, server_time, time_spent_ref_action, idaction_name) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) Parameters: array ( 0 => '836293874', 1 => 5, 2 => '\t\xb72\x86:' . "\0" . '\xec\xe9', 3 => 0, 4 => '0', 5 => '17861139', 6 => '2016-01-20 17:24:15', 7 => 14, 8 => '11807543', )
We are in the proccess of changing this field type to bigint unsigned and, in a near future, change too the log_visit idvisit from int to bigint unsigned too as these are the most used tables.
I think this must be a clear transparent change, I'm I right? Do you have any suggestion on similar int fields to change to bigint unsigned?
It must be in a near future release change?
Thank you,
Pedro Estevão
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