@candaj wrote:
I've just upgraded my company piwik installation from 2.3.0 to 2.15.0 and i've issues.
The upgrade is good, datas are still in the database but i can't see datas in dashboard on a period of last90. With the API i can see that i've data to match with but the dashboard keeps telling me that i don't have any data.
It seems that dashboards don't work on url index.php?module=CoreHome&action=index&idSite=6&period=range&date=last90
if i try index.php?module=Dashboard&idSite=6&period=range&date=last90 i can see my dashboards.So the question now is why i can't see dashboard on the main page (the default one, when we click on piwik logo)
Someone can help me ?
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