@moint wrote:
I have a problem: Due to a misconfigured Tag Manager Container (writing the data to the wrong Matomo siteid) I ended up having mixed-up data from two websites in one Matomo siteid.
I was able to delete (I think almost) any of the wrong data - some with help of the GDPR tool, some directly in the database (thnx a lot for your comprehensive documentation!).
After cleaning up, I ran the following console commands:
./console core:clear-caches
./console cache:clear
./console core:archive --force-idsites=“siteid” --url=https://my.matomo.url
./console core:archive --force-idsites=“siteid” --force-all-periods=315576000 --force-date-last-n=1000 --url=https://my.matomo.urlThe overall page statistics now look fine, but there are still artifacts showing up in Outlinks, Site Search Keywords and Pages.
That means, I can see the drill-down menus, but when I try to open the segmented visitor log, I get the message “There is no data for this report”. Which I guess is OK, since I deleted all the data before.
So obviously I’m missing something, can anyone please point me in the right direction to permanently delete these menus?
Thanks a lot!
edit: I also deleted the corresponding entries from the tables matomo_archive_numeric_2019_08 and matomo_archive_blob_2019_08 the reprocessed all reports for that siteid.
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