@MtRoxx wrote:
plugins/RssWidget/RssRenderer.php(59): Warning - simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 2: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document - Matomo 3.11.0 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
Matomo 3.11.0
I removed these files after the error:
Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn’t expect them.
–> Please delete these files to prevent errors. <–File to delete: misc/internal-docs/content-tracking.md
File to delete: misc/others/api_internal_call.php
File to delete: misc/others/api_rest_call.php
File to delete: misc/others/download-count.txt
File to delete: misc/others/iframeWidget_localhost.php
File to delete: misc/others/stress.sh
File to delete: misc/others/widget_example_lastvisits.htmlSet to SSL login only - still receiving the error message.
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