@severdia wrote:
I am trying to use custom tracking parameters in the way described here:
(under “Sending custom events”). An example of this request is:
let event = Event(tracker: MatomoTracker.shared, action: ["App Launched"], eventCategory: "Basic", eventAction: "App Launched", eventName: "App Launched", customTrackingParameters: ["version": Bundle.main.infoDictionary!["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as! String]) MatomoTracker.shared.track(event)
But I don’t see these anywhere, neither in the admin UI, nor in the database directly. Since this is a modification of the original example, in theory this should work fine, but it doesn’t. I’ve also tried the original example provided on GitHub with the same result: I can’t find the custom tracking parameters anywhere in Matomo.
Are there other troubleshooting steps? Is there something I’m missing? Where should these parameters appear in Matomo?
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