@vtsanev wrote:
Recently we've upgraded to the newest Piwik version(2.16.0) from a pretty old one(1.7). Since the upgrade token_auth url parameter seems to not be interpreted as before when accessing dashboard. We make a redirect from our site to Piwik specifying siteId, token_auth and some other params so that the user could see his statistics without the need of signing in Piwik too. Before it was working fine, but now we get an error message: "Error: You can't access this resource as it requires an 'view' access for the website id = X". The user data is actually loaded and we could see the user profile in Piwik so the token is good and used for some features. If we sign-in with that same user we could see the statistics, but with just the token_auth we cannot. Seems that when Piwik tries to load the widgets on dashboard, it doesn't include the token_auth for them and it doesn't interpret token_auth as real authentication.
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