@freephile wrote:
Using a simple
, I can set environment variables, however usingMaxMindDBEnv
does not result in any environment variables being set. Example .htaccess file:<IfModule maxminddb_module> #The SetEnv works, but none of the others are set SetEnv MM_COUNTRY_CODE en MaxMindDBEnable On MaxMindDBFile CITY_DB /opt/htdocs/analytics/misc/GeoLite2-City.mmdb MaxMindDBFile COUNTRY_DB /opt/htdocs/analytics/misc/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb MaxMindDBEnv MM_COUNTRY_CODE CITY_DB/country/iso_code MaxMindDBEnv MM_COUNTRY_NAME CITY_DB/country/names/en MaxMindDBEnv MM_CITY_NAME CITY_DB/city/names/en MaxMindDBEnv MM_LONGITUDE CITY_DB/location/longitude MaxMindDBEnv MM_LATITUDE CITY_DB/location/latitude MaxMindDBNetworkEnv CITY_DB CITY_DB_NETWORK </IfModule>
The Apache Module for maxminddb is installed:
httpd -M | grep max
maxminddb_module (shared)
The PHP module for
is installed
php -m | grep max
All default values are entered in General Settings
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