@troX wrote:
We are running a search engine for medical organisations.
Some weeks ago, we implemented internal search tracking for our search engine result pages:
<script>_paq.push(['trackPageView']);</script> <script> var searchterm = "Surgery"; var category = "Procedure"; var total = 1171; _paq.push(['trackSiteSearch', searchterm, category, total]); </script> <script>_paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function () { ... )(); </script>
Example SERP URLs:
http://example.com/search/berlin/ (var searchterm = "Berlin"; var category = "location";
)This did work like a charm. Unfortunately, we encountered a strange behaviour after activating the internal search tracking: Side-wide page tracking did not work any more for our search engine pages which were located in subfolders.
While SERPs like
http://example.com/search/hamburg/were still shown in Matomo under
Behaviour > Pages
other SERPs in subfolders like
http://example.com/search/category/surgery/48/but also
disappeared from the pages overview. (Those queries were still tracked under Behaviour > Site Search)
From those of you having implemented an internal search tracking:
Can you validate this as a Matomo bug?If that’s not a bug:
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
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