I have this errors in my matomo-error.log and none of logs were imported this night with import log script. Thanks in advance.
Matomo version: 3.13.6
MySQL version: 10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1
PHP version: 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
Error in Matomo (tracker): Error query: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column ‘idlink_va’ at row 1 In query: INSERT INTO piwik_log_link_visit_action (idvisit, idsite, idvisitor, idaction_url, idaction_url_ref, idaction_name_ref, server_time, idpageview, interaction_position, time_spent_ref_action, idaction_name, custom_float) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) Parameters: array ( 0 => ‘352605084’, 1 => 20, 2 => ’ \x01\x16H\xbf\xc6\x92\xe0’, 3 => ‘138078270’, 4 => ‘136866289’, 5 => ‘1’, 6 => ‘2021-04-19 14:12:36’, 7 => ‘IKrsLo’, 8 => 3, 9 => 28, 10 => ‘9218124’, 11 => ‘529’, ),
1 post - 1 participant