@vjl wrote:
Hi all,
2.16.1 currently, and this has been happening for a while, so it's nothing new. Viewing the data in phpMyAdmin [see attached screenshot], it shows up just like it does in piwik. Changing to different browsers doesn't help. I believe the error is related to putting the wrong link to the provider data file in the preferences of piwik, but I removed that a while ago. I just use the free geolite database. Is there else ware in the database I need to clear that wrong link to the provider data file?
EDIT: realizing the image has been shrunk here, and the last column may be hard to read, here is a direct link to the full resolution image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1aacsow9h2mj21f/%20piwik_log_visit.png?dl=0
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