@tanoanian wrote:
I have a goal configured in piwik 2.16.1. The goal is working fine. When a visitor submits the form a goal is logged.
What I would like to do is append the form data as a goal dimension and cannot get it to work.
Here is the code:
var datastring = $("#first_name").val() + '&' + $("#last_name").val() + '&' + $("#email").val() + '&' + $("#phone_number_1").val() + $("#phone_number_2").val() + $("#phone_number_3").val() + '&' + $("#address").val() + $("#city").val() + $("#state").val() + $("#zipcode").val() + '&' + $("#prop_value").val() + '&' + $("#mort_balance1st").val() + '&' + $("#military_yes").val();
_paq.push(['trackGoal', 2, {dimension1: datastring}]);
I've configured and enabled Dimension1 in piwik and it appears under the Visitors Tab but is reporting Value Not Defined.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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