@wr3tched wrote:
Hey All,
First off, big shout out to Piwik for the awesome open source analytics solution!
I am looking at the metric for 'Average Generation Time' on the Piwik dashboard, and wanted to see if anyone could chime in on having inconsistent data? When using the application I notice on average mine and others in my workplace have page loads of >1s, yet when I view in the Piwik dashboard the average generation time for every page over multiple site IDs is <0.05s.
I looked into the documentation and even the code to see that it is based on the time it takes the server to load the page + the time it takes for the user to download the response from the server. To me if I am using the app and it takes on average 1-2s for the page to fully generate, why would the average generation show <0.05s?
Would love to hear others thoughts/issues on the problem?
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