@ivchoivanov wrote:
WARNING: /home/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/Controller.php(270): Notice - ob_clean(): failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete - Piwik 3.0.0 - Please report this message in the Piwik forums: http://forum.piwik.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
WARNING: /home/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/Controller.php(270): Notice - ob_clean(): failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete - Piwik 3.0.0 - Please report this message in the Piwik forums: http://forum.piwik.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Piwik\Menu\MenuTop::add() in /home/piwik/plugins/PerformanceMonitor/Menu.php on line 21
A fatal error occurredThe following error just broke Piwik (v3.0.0):
Call to undefined method Piwik\Menu\MenuTop::add()
/home/piwik/plugins/PerformanceMonitor/Menu.php line 21
TroubleshootingFollow these steps to solve the issue or report it to the team:
If you have just updated Piwik to the latest version, please try to restart your web server. This will clear the PHP opcache which may solve the problem.
If this is the first time you see this error, please try refresh the page.
If this error continues to happen, we appreciate if you send the error report to the Piwik team.
Further troubleshootingIf this error continues to happen, you may be able to fix this issue by disabling one or more of the Third-Party plugins. You can enable them again in the Plugins or Themes page under settings at any time. Based on the error message, the issue is probably caused by the plugin PerformanceMonitor.
Barometer deactivate
BotTracker deactivate
cacheBuster deactivate
Counter deactivate
CustomAlerts deactivate
IntranetGeoIP deactivate
IP2Location deactivate
IPv6Usage deactivate
LiveTab deactivate
PerformanceMonitor deactivate
ReferrersManager deactivate
SecurityInfo deactivate
TreemapVisualization deactivate
VisitorGenerator deactivate
If this error still occurs after disabling all plugins, you might want to consider uninstalling some plugins. Keep in mind: The plugin will be completely removed from your platform.ExampleRssWidget uninstall
PiwikPro uninstall
Zeitgeist uninstall
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Participants: 2