@web_tester wrote:
Recently I am working with Piwik. (around 200,000 visits per month)
Piwik version: 3.2.0
MySQL version: 5.5.57
PHP version: 5.6.30-0+deb8u1I decided to regenerate the reports for 2017-08 month and I followed the instruction in https://piwik.org/faq/how-to/faq_59/
1) I dropped related files,
DROP TABLE piwik_archive_blob_2017_08 ;
DROP TABLE piwik_archive_numeric_2017_08 ;
2) I added following lines in config.ini.php
always_archive_data_period = 1;
always_archive_data_day = 1;3) I logged in and waited to see what is happening, dropped files recreated but after few hours,
piwik_archive_numeric_2017_08 has 17000 records and it is increasing gradually. (ROW COUNT for other tables is around 100,000), and
piwik_archive_blob_2017_08 is empty!
I started the following command form Putty terminal but it stopped on first site Id for long time and then the connection terminated.
./console core:archive --force-all-websites --force-all-periods=315576000 --force-date-last-n=1000 --url=xyzConsiderable points:
piwik_log_link_visit_action is around 50G with more than 700 million records!
In September we had a database crash and recovery.
Any idea how can I re-create the reports and speed up the process?Thank you in advance for your kind attention and supports.
Absolutely new member,
Web Tester
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