@marcel.morgenstern wrote:
today in the morning I was checking our Piwik and had to read the following two messages.
WARNING: /var/www/html/vendor/doctrine/cache/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/FileCache.php(251): Notice - tempnam(): file created in the system’s temporary directory - Piwik 2.17.1 - Please report this message in the Piwik forums: http://forum.piwik.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
WARNING: /var/www/html/vendor/doctrine/cache/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/FileCache.php(254): Warning - file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty - Piwik 2.17.1 - Please report this message in the Piwik forums: http://forum.piwik.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
As it states I report this to this forum and fyi: I couldn’t find it inside the forum.
Best regards
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