@sudrien wrote:
I’m using wp-piwik & the PHP API to connect my Matomo install (https matomo dot a dot com) to two wordpress installs (https c dot net & https f dot com)
Oh. two url per post limit. Fun.
I’d like to have these sites call matomo on their own subdomains - I’ve already set up config/config.ini.php so my clients won’t be confused about which sites to visit
trusted_hosts[] = "matomo dot c dot net"
trusted_hosts[] = “matomo dot f dot com”I’ve already installed and activated ForceSSL, but there seems to be no way to change the base URL per site, i.e. wp-piwik always reports
“Determined Piwik base URL is https matomo dot a dot com/”
is there any way to change this default per site?
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