@chiappa wrote:
The problem I am experiencing is that the URL of visited pages in visitor stats show up as either HTTPS or HTTP while the whole site is in https-only.
The behavior doesn’t change for a single page, but rather each page seems to behave differently. But I cannot find any significant difference between the pages.
The site is on WordPress and was not using an SSL certificate in the past. However, even pages that were never HTTP might be showing up in HTTP.
- I’ve checked the site with many tools to verify SSL integrity
- According to Google webmasters tools everything is fine
- Canonical URL of all pages is set to HTTPS
- All HTTP pages forward to HTTPS
- In Settings --> Websites --> Manage website URL is set to HTTPS
- I’ve added the “force_ssl = 1” setting to configurations
Any ideas on how to fix this would be much appreciated!
The site is at www.webhostwhat.com
Thanks & regards,
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