@jchandy wrote:
anyone who can help,
Hi ,
Need help to understand how to get a value using Piwik finctions (like getVisitorId, getCustomeDimentions etc…?This is the code I have used
var visitor_id;
_paq.push([ function () { visitor_id = this.getVisitorId(); }]);
console.log(visitor_id);My console keep showing that the variable is undefined.
If I change the code to
var visitor_id;
_paq.push([ function () { visitor_id = this.getVisitorId(); console.log(visitor_id); }]);cosole will show the correct ID.
I need to to access the visitor_ID variable later on in the script.I know this is not strictly a piwik/motomo question. But I’m a nube at javascripts and would apreciate any help.
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