@tonyb wrote:
There have been quite a few posts around this topic, but all seem to have very specific issues or very old.
My environment is:
- New install - not much activity
- version 3.5.1
- Dedicated mySQL server, one database (this one) - no other tables or website accessing
- php 7.2
- Windows 2012, IIS
- Behind corporate proxy/firewall
ALL page loads are extremely slow. Excruciatingly slow. As super or normal user (admin is slower).
Examples are warm starts and back of the napkin averages with cached assets.
tracker code: 800ms - 1.5s (LAN, that’s a big deal)
Dashboard: Initial document load, 6.3 seconds - every widget after that is another average of 6 seconds. This can take 2 minutes as an admin.
Settings: This is the worst - luckily we don;t have to come here after setting up - but setup is painful.
- 46s - ?module=CoreAdminHome&action=home (document)
- 1.4s - ?module=CoreHome&action=getSystemSummary (xhr)
- 59s - ?module=CoreHome&action=getDonateForm (xhr)
- 16s - ?module=Installation&action=getSystemCheck (xhr)
- timeout/error - marketplace
I am looking through some of the articles on improving performance, but is this normal for a new install?
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