@Pak_Kriss wrote:
1) Matomo Tag Manager container with enabled bundled JavaScript tracker
2) A html page has the following Matomo components:
<head> ……. <script type="text/javascript"> var _mtm = _mtm || []; _mtm.push({'mtm.startTime': (new Date().getTime()), 'event': 'mtm.Start'}); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src='https://matomo.asi.asia/js/container_d2amnenK.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); </script> ……. </head> <body> ……. <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = window._paq || []; _paq.push(['trackPageView']); </script> ……. <body>
3) Matomo fire:
https://matomo.asi.asia/piwik.php?action_name=ONLINE%20RESERVATION%20SYSTEM&idsite=&rec=1&r=383665&h=10…Unfortunately Matomo fire the trackPageView or other events without a number for idsite.
A little later, Matomo triggers the correct event with the idsite, which comes from the page view event of the Matomo tag itself.
4) Temporary fix: We fire delayed the _paq.push([‘trackPageView’]) then all is good.
Question: What is the simplest way in Webbrowsers JavaScript to verify and confirm that Matomo Tagmanager and all other Matomo components fully initialized & operational?
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