i am working on updating matomo to the new version.
I am using SSH but everytime i get an error “mysql has gone away” at line 172.
I think my installation is called a big one… but as it is hosted on shared hosting i dont have the possibility to change things at thy mysql server…
My hoster recommended to use a command like
/usr/local/bin/php72 -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=1200 /kunden/xxx/console core:update
but still errors and no chance to use matomo backend.
is there any solution to fix this? i cannot use matomo right now…
Thanks in advance!
Edit: When i try to repeat the command it seems to work… every time one line more or something like this… now it fails at line 175
matomo_log_visitDROP COLUMN
config_gears, DROP COLUMN
config_director, DROP COLUMN
visitor_days_since_first, DROP COLUMN
visitor_days_since_order, DROP COLUMN
but i wonder if this is a good way of updating?
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