Find below message apperaing while updating through command line:
php /srv/data/web/vhosts/stat2.mosoft.fr/matomo/console core:update
After several attempts, due to timeout, I finally had this error message:
Executing UPDATE piwik_log_visit SET visitor_seconds_since_first = visitor_days_since_first * 86400,
visitor_seconds_since_order = visitor_days_since_order * 86400,
visitor_seconds_since_last = visitor_days_since_last * 86400;...
[X] Critical Error during the update process:
* /srv/data/web/vhosts/stat2.mosoft.fr/matomo/core/Updates/4.0.0-b1.php:
Error trying to execute the migration 'UPDATE piwik_log_visit SET visitor_seconds_since_first = visitor_days_since_first * 86400,
visitor_seconds_since_order = visitor_days_since_order * 86400,
visitor_seconds_since_last = visitor_days_since_last * 86400;'.
The error was: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:
* Check the [ Matomo FAQ ] which explains most common errors during update.
* Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.
If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:
* identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)
* execute the remaining queries in the update that failed
* manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update
* re-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates
* report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved
ERROR [2020-12-24 10:12:46] 82632 Uncaught exception: /srv/data/web/vhosts/stat2.mosoft.fr/matomo/plugins/CoreUpdater/Commands/Update.php(255): Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.
Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.
Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.
Thank you for your help
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