Sometime between 1 December and 1 January, one of the updates broke the tooltip on the ‘Visits over time’ widget. It now reports ‘0s Avg. generation time’, which is a vast improvement on my normal 0.18s, but the server hasn’t changed, so the issue must be one of the matomo updates that arrived during December. I didn’t notice it in December because it said “0.18s Avg. generation time”, all month, but since the new month started, matomo informs me that all my pages are generated in 0 seconds. I think this is untrue.
System Summary
1 users
0 segments (0 pre-processed, 0 processed in real-time)
0 goals
0 tracking failures
1 websites
45 activated plugins
Matomo version: 4.1.0
MySQL version: 10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1
PHP version: 7.3.19-1~deb10u1
1 post - 1 participant