I recently upgraded my matomo from 3.13. to 4.1.1. and also had to upgrade my php version from 7.2. to 7.4.9 to make matomo run on the server.
Since this upgrade my core:archive job is not working anmyore. Couldn’t find any solution on the internet. I also found nothing relating to this in the changelog.
My job runs as batch on a windows server an looks like this:
call c:\prog\php-7.4.9-Win32-vc15-x64\php.exe "c:\prog\Apache24\htdocs\piwik/console" core:archive --url=myUrl/piwik/ >> c:\logs\archiver-%date%.log 2>&1
The log says
"ERROR [2021-02-19 11:18:09] 13684 Uncaught exception: C:\prog\Apache24\htdocs\piwik\core\Segment.php(210): Segment 'customVariableValue1' is not a supported segment.
Segment 'customVariableValue1' is not a supported segment."
Any ideas?
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