Hi I installed matomo yesterday via docker-compose. I am successfully logging some data (live logs) but they are not showing on the other pages (behaviour/sites ans events). I triggered the archive script multiple times and it also sems to work:
Done archiving!
INFO [2021-05-03 12:09:28] 974 ---------------------------
INFO [2021-05-03 12:09:28] 974 SUMMARY
INFO [2021-05-03 12:09:28] 974 Processed 6 archives.
INFO [2021-05-03 12:09:28] 974 Total API requests: 6
INFO [2021-05-03 12:09:28] 974 done: 6 req, 5430 ms, no error
INFO [2021-05-03 12:09:28] 974 Time elapsed: 5.430s
but the beaviour data is not updating. Example: A user visited a specific site (live log) but the site is not whowing in the behavour/sites tab.
Matomo version: 4.2.1
Am I missing something. Please share some thoughts.
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