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Error Archiving Reports - Impact on Stats?


I am running a higher traffic site and in times where we have more traffic, we get errors when archiving reports. The error goes away sometimes but comes again once there is a bit more traffic again. We can’t raise the memory_limit without a server upgrade.

Interestingly, the dashboard looks OK, it shows users, events etc.

So I am worried about the impact this actually has, are the statistics incomplete? What is the expected impact of this error message?

INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  INIT
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Running Matomo 4.9.1 as Super User
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  NOTES
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  - Async process archiving supported, using CliMulti.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  - Reports for today will be processed at most every 900 seconds. You can change this value in Matomo UI > Settings > General Settings.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  - Archiving was last executed without error 11 hours 58 min ago.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  START
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Starting Matomo reports archiving...
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Applying queued rearchiving...
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Start processing archives for site 1.
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Checking for queued invalidations...
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650    Will invalidate archived reports for today in site ID = 1's timezone (2022-05-09 00:00:00).
INFO [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650    Will invalidate archived reports for yesterday in site ID = 1's timezone (2022-05-08 00:00:00).
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Done invalidating
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  No usable archive exists (ts_archived of existing = 2022-05-09 07:00:16, now = 2022-05-09 07:30:02).
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Processing invalidation: [idinvalidation = 13602, idsite = 1, period = day(2022-05-09 - 2022-05-09), name = done, segment = ].
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13603, idsite = 1, period = week(2022-05-09 - 2022-05-15), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  No usable archive exists (ts_archived of existing = , now = 2022-05-09 07:30:02).
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Processing invalidation: [idinvalidation = 13431, idsite = 1, period = day(2022-05-08 - 2022-05-08), name = done, segment = ].
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13606, idsite = 1, period = week(2022-05-02 - 2022-05-08), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13604, idsite = 1, period = month(2022-05-01 - 2022-05-31), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13605, idsite = 1, period = year(2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  No next invalidated archive.
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Starting archiving for ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2022-05-09&format=json&trigger=archivephp
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Starting archiving for ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2022-05-08&format=json&trigger=archivephp
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Running command: /usr/bin/php74.wrp.cli -q  /usr/www/users/mydomain/mydomain_matomo/console climulti:request -q --matomo-domain='matomo.mydomain.de' --superuser 'module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2022-05-09&format=json&trigger=archivephp&pid=50f860469f54d6d11fc0b79dd3484515b8bbc3cbbeb0f88f8be9044f4ffbb486665b641b45a82be3f19a1980d55329be98c30&runid=15650'  > /usr/www/users/mydomain/mydomain_matomo/tmp/climulti/50f860469f54d6d11fc0b79dd3484515b8bbc3cbbeb0f88f8be9044f4ffbb486665b641b45a82be3f19a1980d55329be98c30.output 2>&1 &
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:30:02] 15650  Running command: /usr/bin/php74.wrp.cli -q  /usr/www/users/mydomain/mydomain_matomo/console climulti:request -q --matomo-domain='matomo.mydomain.de' --superuser 'module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2022-05-08&format=json&trigger=archivephp&pid=583aad9f0e9da14b28bd6cd94b6cdb35236aced55b5e138e7248057f88ee30121da75a71e62c209c164e87b4dcac0800265c1&runid=15650'  > /usr/www/users/mydomain/mydomain_matomo/tmp/climulti/583aad9f0e9da14b28bd6cd94b6cdb35236aced55b5e138e7248057f88ee30121da75a71e62c209c164e87b4dcac0800265c1.output 2>&1 &
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Archived website id 1, period = day, date = 2022-05-09, segment = '', 2580 visits found. Time elapsed: 14.511s
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Found dangling invalidation, inserting {"idarchive":null,"name":"done","report":null,"idsite":"1","date1":"2022-05-09 00:00:00","date2":"2022-05-15 00:00:00","period":2,"ts_invalidated":"2022-05-09 07:30:02"}
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Found dangling invalidation, inserting {"idarchive":null,"name":"done","report":null,"idsite":"1","date1":"2022-05-01 00:00:00","date2":"2022-05-31 00:00:00","period":3,"ts_invalidated":"2022-05-09 07:30:02"}
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Found dangling invalidation, inserting {"idarchive":null,"name":"done","report":null,"idsite":"1","date1":"2022-01-01 00:00:00","date2":"2022-12-31 00:00:00","period":4,"ts_invalidated":"2022-05-09 07:30:02"}
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  ''
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13607, idsite = 1, period = week(2022-05-09 - 2022-05-15), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13608, idsite = 1, period = month(2022-05-01 - 2022-05-31), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Found duplicate invalidated archive (same archive currently in progress), ignoring: [idinvalidation = 13609, idsite = 1, period = year(2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31), name = done, segment = ]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  No next invalidated archive.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Finished archiving for site 1, 2 API requests, Time elapsed: 390.272s [1 / 1 done]
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  No more sites left to archive, stopping.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Done archiving!
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  SUMMARY
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Processed 1 archives.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Total API requests: 2
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  done: 2 req, 390402 ms, 2 errors.
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Time elapsed: 390.402s
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  SCHEDULED TASKS
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  27 scheduled tasks loaded
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Starting Scheduled tasks... 
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 0:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 1:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 2:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 3:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 4:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 5:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 6:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 7:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 8:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 9:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 10:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 11:
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Executing tasks with priority 12:
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  done
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  SUMMARY OF ERRORS
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Error: Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2022-05-08&format=json&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of 'memory_limit' in your php.ini file.  For more information and the error message please check in your PHP CLI error log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over the CLI, you can find where PHP CLI logs are stored by running this command: php -i | grep error_log
INFO [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Error: Error unserializing the following response from ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=1&period=day&date=2022-05-08&format=json&trigger=archivephp: ''
DEBUG [2022-05-09 07:36:32] 15650  Loaded plugins: CoreVue, CorePluginsAdmin, CoreAdminHome, CoreHome, WebsiteMeasurable, IntranetMeasurable, Diagnostics, CoreVisualizations, Proxy, API, Widgetize, Transitions, LanguagesManager, Actions, Dashboard, MultiSites, Referrers, UserLanguage, DevicesDetection, Goals, Ecommerce, SEO, Events, UserCountry, GeoIp2, VisitsSummary, VisitFrequency, VisitTime, VisitorInterest, RssWidget, Feedback, Monolog, Login, TwoFactorAuth, UsersManager, SitesManager, Installation, CoreUpdater, CoreConsole, ScheduledReports, UserCountryMap, Live, PrivacyManager, ImageGraph, Annotations, MobileMessaging, Overlay, SegmentEditor, Insights, Morpheus, Contents, BulkTracking, Resolution, DevicePlugins, Heartbeat, Intl, Marketplace, ProfessionalServices, UserId, CustomJsTracker, Tour, PagePerformance, CustomDimensions, DBStats, CustomVariables, MarketingCampaignsReporting

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