So i needed a completely external resource from where to run my Matomo stats and I chose DigitalOcean since they have a reasonable price/service level and frankly, I wanted to get up to speed fast and easy.
Checking around a bit I also see they have tutorials for installation on Ubuntu 20 which I chose as OS for the droplet, so I went for Ubunto 22 in the droplet, stumbled over a small certbot issue that was solved but despite getting through to the interface to configure my Matomo, it just wont hold. DB goes away and other issues ends my attempt. I have now tried 6-7 different times each time finding small issues with the tutorials available so I would like someone with greater knowledge to go through that and make a revision.
This is the tutorial:
When starting to read it implies we have Ubuntu and Docker installed, Fine, we do that. However, when getting to apt update, it does not say apt upgrade, so I did not do upgrade. I follow it TO THE LETTER since I am not very good with this cli shit. Also when getting to the docker-compose part, nothing happens since no where I have installed docker-compose. It is not stated anywhere that I can see.
So could anyone please gave a look at the DO writings and help me out, been at it on and off for a week and getting really frustrated with it.
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