Looking at the data for the same segment and period, Behavior > Entry pages shows that the bounce rate for our landing page is 46%:
The question mark in the table explains that bounce rate means:
Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.
So I’d expect 54% of visits to do something else than exit the page. But when I look at the transitions I see this:
I’m assuming the transitions also include visits of which the landing page is not the entry page, which would explain the discrepancy between the visit numbers. But what I don’t understand, is why there’s only one visit to another page and that all the rest are exits.
It also seems to be inconsistent with the Behavior > Engagement > Vists per number of pages data:
If only one visit has transitions, how can 49% of the 251 visits shown there include more than one page?
By the way isn’t it odd, that overview shows a total of 251 visits:
Whereas there’s only a total of 226 entry visits:
2 posts - 1 participant