I know this is similiar to this but I’ve tried the solution (core:update) stated therein to no avail, it just said that everything is updated.
All other segments we have works, only for one particular segment that we get this error.
Here is the matomo log:
WARNING SitesManager[2023-02-09 06:47:02 UTC] [3350292] /var/www/matomo/plugins/SitesManager/SitesManager.php(320): Notice - Undefined index: excluded_referrers - Matomo 4.12.3 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) #0/plugins/SitesManager/SitesManager.php(320),#1/plugins/SitesManager/SitesManager.php(196),[internal function]: Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\SitesManager->recordWebsiteDataInCache(),#3/core/EventDispatcher.php(147),#4/core/Piwik.php(871),#5/core/Tracker/Cache.php(131),#6/core/Access.php(670),#7/core/Tracker/Cache.php(135),#8/core/Tracker/Cache.php(89),#9/core/Tracker/Request.php(615)
I hope someone can shed light on this. Thanks.
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