Channel: Support & Bugs - Matomo forums

WARNING: /libs/Zend/Session.php(272): Deprecated - session_set_save_handler()


Have running PHP 8.4.1. Think there will come an aditional depreciation.
Complete message:

WARNING: /libs/Zend/Session.php(272): Deprecated - session_set_save_handler(): Providing individual callbacks instead of an object implementing SessionHandlerInterface is deprecated - Matomo 5.1.2 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums (Module: MultiSites, Action: index, In CLI mode: false)

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Matomo still drops a cookie despite it is set to not use cookies


Im trying to avoid having to have a cookie banner at my site so Im disabling any cookie that is set, but Matomo still drops some cookies despite being disabled. I searched and found this:


It is important to note that even when cookies are disabled, Matomo may still set essential cookies in some cases, but these are purely functional and contain no personal data that would be covered by privacy laws. In fact, all of these cookies are actually designed to increase user security and privacy

GDPR doesn’t care about whether a cookie is essential or it ‘increases user security and privacy’. If cookies are being set, a cookie banner and consent are required.

Is it possible to prevent Matomo from dropping any cookie including functional or security ones so that a cookie banner wont be necessary?

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Utf8mb4_general_ci is not valid for CHARACTER SET utf8mb3


Good morning everyone.
I have a Wordpress installation where I use the Matomo plugin to track visits.
I got this error:
WP DB Error: [1253] COLLATION ‘utf8mb4_general_ci’ is not valid for CHARACTER SET ‘utf8mb3’ SQL: CREATE TABLE firing_matomo_archive_blob_2024_11 ( idarchive INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(190) NOT NULL, idsite INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, date1 DATE NULL, date2 DATE NULL, period TINYINT UNSIGNED NULL, ts_archived DATETIME NULL, value MEDIUMBLOB NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idarchive, name), INDEX index_period_archived(period, ts_archived) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci

What does this mean and what can I do?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out

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Auto-archiving scheduled cron error


Hi everyone

I am on Ubuntu 22.04, Matomo latest version, PHP 8.3, and I have an issue with Auto-archiving reports cron not working as it should.

I keep getting this popup but the websites has traffic to it all the time:

My /etc/cron.d/matomo-archive file has multiple archivers setup in the file:

5 * * * * domain.com /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://www.domain.com/matomo/ > /dev/null
6 * * * * domain.com /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://www.domain.com/matomo/ > /dev/null
7 * * * * domain.com /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://www.domain.com/matomo/ > /dev/null
8 * * * * domain.com /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://www.domain.com/matomo/ > /dev/null
9 * * * * domain.com /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://www.domain.com/matomo/ > /dev/null
10 * * * * domain.com /usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://www.domain.com/matomo/ > /dev/null

I also got this file /etc/cron.d/0hourly setup to run hourly jobs

# Run the hourly jobs
1 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

The user setup looks to be correct, when I run the manual command to archive reports it works.

I tried this:

sudo systemctl restart cron

the I checked the logs to see if I am getting any errors for cron jobs:

journalctl -u cron | grep matomo-archive

and surprise surprise, I am getting this error:

Nov 26 02:07:01 my.server cron[680521]: (*system*matomo-archive) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/matomo-archive)
Nov 26 02:07:01 my.server cron[680521]: (*system*matomo-archive) ERROR (Missing newline before EOF, this crontab file will be ignored)
Nov 26 02:19:30 my.server cron[2819933]: Error: bad username; while reading /etc/cron.d/matomo-archive
Nov 26 02:19:30 my.server cron[2819933]: (*system*matomo-archive) ERROR (Syntax error, this crontab file will be ignored)
Nov 26 02:21:01 my.server cron[2819933]: (*system*matomo-archive) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/matomo-archive)
Nov 26 02:36:01 my.server cron[2823991]: (*system*matomo-archive) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/matomo-archive)
Nov 26 02:43:01 my.server cron[2830266]: (*system*matomo-archive) RELOAD (/etc/cron.d/matomo-archive)

The user rights are correct though, and i have a new line at the end of the file.

Any idea what I am missing here?
I’m scratching my head : /

PS: Note that my username is domain.com and it might be conflicting for Linux commands, but I never had this issue a few months ago, and I had similar usernames as domain.com.

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Unexpected Time Spent Per Visit Results in Matomo 4 Database Query


Hello Matomo Community,

I’m working on analyzing time spent per visit using the Matomo database, but I’m encountering some strange results. Specifically:

  1. Many of the results show 0 seconds, even for visits where I expect some time to have elapsed.
  2. Some results show unrealistically large values, as if Matomo is counting time beyond the actual visit duration.

Below is an example of a query I used (I’ve tried other variations as well, but none worked as expected):

WITH time_differences AS (
SELECT lv.idvisit,
a.name AS page_url,
MIN(lv.server_time) AS first_action_time,
MAX(lv.server_time) AS last_action_time,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, MIN(lv.server_time), MAX(lv.server_time)) AS total_time_spent_seconds
FROM matomo_log_action AS a
JOIN matomo_log_link_visit_action AS lv ON a.idaction = lv.idaction_url
JOIN matomo_log_visit AS v ON lv.idvisit = v.idvisit
WHERE a.type = 1
AND v.visit_last_action_time BETWEEN ‘2024-06-01 00:00:00’ AND ‘2024-06-30 23:59:59’
GROUP BY lv.idvisit, a.name
SELECT idvisit, page_url, first_action_time, last_action_time, total_time_spent_seconds
FROM time_differences
WHERE idvisit IN (
SELECT idvisit
FROM time_differences
GROUP BY idvisit
AND total_time_spent_seconds > 0
ORDER BY idvisit, first_action_time, page_url;

My understanding is that visit_last_action_time should provide accurate visit end times, but the results suggest otherwise. Is it possible that Matomo continues to track time after the last logged action? Or am I misunderstanding how these timestamps are stored and calculated?

Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated! If there’s a better approach to calculating time spent per visit, I’d love to hear it.

Thank you for your help!

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[Bug] Cannot remove trackPageView on added tracker



i’m using matomo on a script that is loaded on various client websites. There is a conflict when the client also using matomo.
For this i used the ‘addtracker’ function which is working great. But this new tracker take the configuration from the orginal tracker that usually has ‘trackPageView’ enabled. And as it is not my site i don’t want them.

But I didn’t find any way to deactivate it on a tracker. Could you please help me ?

Here is my code:

export const initMatomo = () => {
  const _paq = (window._paq = window._paq || [])
  ;(function () {
    const u = MATOMO_SITE_URL
    _paq.push(['addTracker', u + '/matomo.php', MATOMO_SITE_ID])

    const d = document,
      g = d.createElement('script'),
      s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
    g.type = 'text/javascript'
    g.async = true
    g.src = u + '/matomo.js'

    s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s)

  window.please = {}
  window.please.track = function (ary) {
    const matomo = window.Matomo
    if (matomo) {
      const matomoTracker = matomo.getTracker(MATOMO_SITE_URL + '/matomo.php', MATOMO_SITE_ID)
      matomoTracker.trackEvent(ary[0], ary[1], ary[2], ary[3])

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Matomo tracking correctyl but not representing correct Data - Data Limit?


Hi everybody,

We have a problem with a locally installed Matomo-Application (not On-Premise).

In our case Matomo is used to track the visits of numerous websites (10 in total hosted on the same server as the matomo client) in order to show statistics of the tracked items/sites, but for some websites and their corresponding sites it doesn’t seem to work correctly.

This is how the statistics-element is embedded in one of our websites:

And this works perfectly fine, but for some reason it sometimes doesn’t represent the correct data (depending on the selected item/site)

However matomo is tracking it correctly, atleast in the dashboard it says so.

I looked into the “Behaviour”-Tab and it seems the maximum amount of tracked items is 500? - is that correct?

So could it be that i need to buy an upgraded version of matomo (or some sort of license) or is there some configuration issue with my matomo version?

The PHP version is 8.3.9 and the matomo version is 5.1.0

Thanks in advance for any help!

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AH01797 client denied by server configuration


i have this server log errrors. the client IP is my server provider host ip and is not blocked in htaccess or somewhere. i have no problems with the dashboard in self hosting matomo installation just this error logs

the errors are entered in the logs when I visit the settings under “index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=home” but not in the normal dashboard

[access_compat:error] [pid 6012] [client 87.xxx.xxx.xx] [host www.example.com] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /is/htdocs/wp99/www/html/stats/config/config.ini.php
[access_compat:error] [pid 6012] [client 87.xxx.xxx.xx] [host www.example.com] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /is/htdocs/wp99/www/html/stats/tmp/cache/tracker/matomocache_general.php
[authz_core:error] [pid 6025] [client 87.xxx.xxx.xx] [host www.example.com] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /is/htdocs/wp99/www/html/stats/tmp/
[authz_core:error] [pid 6028] [client 87.xxx.xxx.xx] [host www.example.com] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /is/htdocs/wp99/www/html/stats/tmp/empty
[authz_core:error] [pid 6030] [client 87.xxx.xxx.xx] [host www.example.com] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /is/htdocs/wp99/www/html/stats/lang/en.json

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Matomo Tag Not Seeing Google Tag Manager Pageview Triggers


I have a react website that i want to track with Matomo
I have everything setup and am using Google Tag Manager(will now refer to it as GTM) to install the matomo tracking code tag

I noticed that GTM is able to see all pages i go to even if the page is not loaded for single page apps and component pages with child pages for example i have console.log to log what GTM sees and GTM is able to track the url changes and see all pageviews

but for some reason matomo refused to see the child pages pageviews and even back and forward pages matomo can not register these pageviews

it is crazy to me how i have matomo tag inside the GTM tag and yet GTM sees everything but matomo refuses to just see what GTM sees

matomo will see regular pageviews but as soon i use back and forward buttons, matomo can not track these pageviews and when i first go to the parent component landing page it sees as a pageview but then any child page after that clicked from inside the parent page matomo will not see the pages. this is disappointing that matomo as a web tracking app does not have default settings to track these things without me even having to make any settings changes

but anyways how do i fix this?
anyone else faced this issue and fixed it?

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Invalid values from report api


the problem is that I’m getting invalid data from API but I can see valid data from the UI. I’ve tried archives invalidtion and rearchiving and that didn’t help. but when I manully drop archives tables from the db - and since that I’m getting valid values from the api for some request (with existing dimension1 ids). but for actions to a new dimension1 id I’m still getting empty list untill I delete archive tables again.

I’ve also set:
enable_browser_archiving_triggering = 0
time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 1

and I also noticed that when I change date range for request - It also helps somehow for current dimension1 value.

version 5.1.2

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Report api request for all actions



if there a way to get data for all the actions in one request filtered by dimension1 and get dimension2 and eventAction in the response?
cause for now I’m doing request for every eventAction value

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Error after changing the database character set to utf8mb4


I saw this message in the System Check option:
“Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command console core:convert-to-utf8mb4”

So, I ran that command, and it succeeded without any issues or warnings. However, after that I could no longer access my Matomo admin page. It gave this error:

Could not connect to the database:

SQLSTATE[42000] [1253] COLLATION ‘utf8mb3_general_ci’ is not valid for CHARACTER SET ‘utf8mb4’

I have tried manually changing all the collation to utf8mb4_general_ci in phpMyadmin. Exported and checked that there’s nothing in the database that referenced utf8mb3. I also tried changing everything back to utf8mb3 and utf8mb3_general_ci. Nothing worked. It still gives the same error.

I’m using these versions:
Matomo version: 5.1.2
MySQL version: 10.6.20-MariaDB-cll-lve-log
PHP version: 8.3.13

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Cron permission denied after update


After updating with wrong user I started getting this when cron jobs run to compile segments.

WARNING CoreConsole[2024-12-03 02:09:22 UTC] [3104581] /opt/bitnami/matomo/core/CliMulti/Process.php(196): Warning - file_put_contents(/opt/bitnami/matomo/tmp/climulti/4e2e37be821a647a128ffea34fc97d63678f0133a9c6fbaf5060be3fee18f0c12c303fed9aee02412bd6b364fa147c9987631.pid): Failed to open stream: Permission denied - Matomo 5.1.2 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums:(please do a search first as it might have been reported already) [internal function]: Piwik\ErrorHandler::errorHandler(),#1/core/CliMulti/Process.php(196),#2/core/CliMulti/Process.php(76),#3/core/CliMulti/Process.php(51),#4/core/CliMulti.php(371),#5/core/CliMulti.php(187),#6/core/CliMulti.php(174),#7/core/CliMulti.php(460),#8/core/CliMulti.php(119),#9/core/CronArchive.php(504)

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Rookie question



I’ve pasted the Matomo suggested code into the headers of my website, but when using the test button, it seems not to work.
This is the URL: digitalfreedoms dot org
Can someone tell me what I did wrong?

2 posts - 2 participants

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Missing Sessions/Transactions Compared to GA4


Hi all!

We’ve been experiencing some Matomo UI outages over the past couple of months. Our most recent outage was addressed by changing performance of our EFS filesystem to “Enhanced” in AWS. But now we’re facing a new issue. Ever since the most recent outage, we’ve seen a significant amount of sessions and transactions not being tracked in Matomo. I connected with our Matomo expert already on this, and he suggested it may be a tagging issue, but we’ve already tested several tagging fixes, and nothing seems to be helping (we also have deployed Matomo across +30 brands that all leverage different technologies/infrastructures, and we’re seeing this missing transaction issue across all of them). The timing of these issues also leads us to believe that this likely pertains to some challenging-to-detect back-end issue since we’re seeing the issue across all sites and we didn’t make a company-wide tagging change that would correlate with the issue.

I’ve spent the past several days sifting through logs in both GA4 (it’s tracking fine there) and Matomo trying to identify geo, device, OS, user type, purchase type, visitor type, page load timing patterns that could explain this, and I’ve found nothing. There’s no consistency with the missing sessions or purchases. The only thing I found that may be useful is that some of the missing purchases appear to happen in clumps.

Any idea what this could be? We know the missing transactions are real because the transaction IDs correlate with real purchases in our sales cube.

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Initial load of page cant be tracked


So I encountered this issues in my console log. Which of these issues would likely be the cause of Matomo not being able to track my pages on the initial load?

Error that I currently face: Matomo only track my page only when page is reloaded. And is there a possible fix to the issue? Thank you.

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Track JetFormBuilder forms doesn't work in Tag Manager


Hi !
I’m trying to track submission of jetformbuilder form with Tag manager but it doesn’t work !

I set the trigger on Form Submit > form ID=X but the tag is never fired… Any idea ?

Thanks by advance if you can help !

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PHP 8.1 end of life warning


I have a warning when visiting the settings page:

The PHP version 8.1 you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.

But PHP version 8.1 isn’t EOL yet, according to the official PHP website?

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Not registering any visits


I am a newbie unfamiliar with a lot of code, so I am not sure why it does not register any visits when I have had people on my site. I can add the system report if that will help.

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Auto-Upgrade not possible?


When I log into Matomo, I see a “NEW UPDATE” note in the top of screen.
When I click update, and select automatic update, I get this error:

We’re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.

I have tried logging out and in again; and tried different browsers.

I am on Matomo 5.1.2 and new version is 5.2.0.

How to fix?

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Errors after update to latest 5.2.0


Today I got a notice about a new version, and used the update buttons in the email to update our self-hosted server. Now I get the following errors in our error_log:

Error in Matomo: Zend_Session::setSaveHandler(): Argument #1 ($saveHandler) must be of type SessionHandlerInterface, Piwik\Session\SaveHandler\DbTable given, called in /home/statssimplo/public_html/core/Session.php on line 110

It looks like our server is not functioning, and I’m not able to log on via the web, which shows the same error.


Installed 5.2.0 over 5.1.2
Using PHP 8.3.14, MariaDB 10.6.20-MariaDB

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Campaign tracking not working with Matomo Tag Manager


I have matomo on premise setup with the matomo tag manager. It is all working apart from campaign URL’s. Do I have to install the javascript (_paq) code as well as the mtm tag manager code in the website? Or is there something I should setup in the tag manager to get campaign tracking working.


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Issue with Empty Event Names in GTM:



I would like to understand why some event names appear empty, even though the configuration I set up is as follows:
{clicked text} - {clicked URL} - {Click sector}

However, I see that some events are displayed like this:
“- - Home”

Note that “Click sector” is the only variable I manually enter in the GTM container.

Has anyone encountered this issue before? It’s quite frustrating because these are my top events, and I have no way of understanding where they come from.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Goals number not updated after using GDPR removing tool


I tested a goal and it worked. I then remove my own visit (the one which triggered) the goal. The removal was successful (my visit was not in the logs), however the goal was still there. Is it a bug or it takes time to be updated?


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Queued Tracking feature does not work properly


Here is my software version:
Matomo version: 5.2.1

MySQL version: 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

PHP version: 8.3.14
QueuedTracking 5.1.1

When I enable the queuedtracking via web management, the queue number will be increased immeditely, but when I disable the queuedtracking, the queue number still increased, and even I run console command manually it does not help.

fan.chen@matomo-web1:/var/www/html/matomo/config$ sudo su www-data -s /bin/bash -c “/usr/bin/php8.3 /var/www/html/matomo/console queuedtracking:process”
Starting to process request sets, this can take a while

This worker finished queue processing with 0req/s (0 requests in 0.01 seconds)

fan.chen@matomo-web1:/var/www/html/matomo/config$ sudo su www-data -s /bin/bash -c “/usr/bin/php8.3 /var/www/html/matomo/console queuedtracking:lock-status”
“QueuedTrackingLock4” is locked for 15310 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock4 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock10” is locked for 14449 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock10 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock6” is locked for 16213 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock6 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock9” is locked for 14363 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock9 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock13” is locked for 26049 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock13 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock5” is locked for 14359 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock5 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock11” is locked for 13444 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock11 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock0” is locked for 5549 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock0 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock2” is locked for 29824 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock2 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock15” is locked for 19551 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock15 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock12” is locked for 14392 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock12 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock1” is locked for 6662 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock1 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock14” is locked for 18543 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock14 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock8” is locked for 24709 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock8 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock3” is locked for 4401 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock3 to unlock the queue.

“QueuedTrackingLock7” is locked for 14323 ms
Set option --unlock=QueuedTrackingLock7 to unlock the queue.

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